Fearless Money Talk

Where candid conversations steer the course toward financial growth and fulfillment.

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We’ve scoured the internet to uncover all the financial questions you’re too afraid to ask.

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Wealth Management

Understanding your wealth's purpose is crucial to a successful financial plan. Our goal is to delve into your aspirations, values, and goals to create a personalized approach

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Wealth Management

At HH, we empower you with customized strategies to maximize your returns while managing risk. Discover the investment solution for your unique financial goals.

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Wealth Management

Understanding your wealth's purpose is crucial to a successful financial plan. Our goal is to delve into your aspirations, values, and goals to create a personalized approach

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Retirement panic: I’m pushing 40 and I have NOT even started.

Approaching 40 without having started retirement planning can be daunting, but it's never too late to begin. Something I generally suggest is to start by assessing your current financial situation and determining your retirement needs. Then look to possibly leverage employer-sponsored plans like 401(k)s, especially if there's an employer match, and consider IRAs for their tax advantages. At 50, you can make catch-up contributions to boost savings. It’s generally a good idea to prioritize reducing high-interest debts to free up funds. It's also prudent to diversify investments based on your risk tolerance and potentially consult with a financial advisor to develop your strategy. You might also think about delaying retirement or adopting part-time work to enhance savings. And sometimes, just a few tweaks in your daily lifestyle can free up some extra cash to tuck away. So, with some planning and a bit of discipline, there's totally a way to work toward a relaxed and comfy retirement. It's all about taking that first step!


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"Building wealth is not just about accumulation, but nurturing the right habits, making informed decisions, and staying committed to the journey ahead."

David Koch

Director of Portfolio management/Senior Wealth

"Building wealth is not just about accumulation, but nurturing the right habits, making informed decisions, and staying committed to the journey ahead."

David Koch

Director of Portfolio management/Senior Wealth

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Financial Advisor 100

HH ranked No. 8 on the 2023 CNBC Financial Advisor 100 list

Last received September 2023 based on 12/31/2022 data.
CNBC enlisted data provider AccuPoint Solutions to assist with ranking.

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Disclaimer and Methodology

This content contains general information that is not suitable for everyone and was prepared for informational purposes only. Nothing contained herein should be construed as a investment advice. Halbert Hargrove (“HH”) is a registered investment adviser. For additional information about HH, including its services and fees, request the firm’s disclosure brochure or visit advisorinfo.sec.gov.

The information presented is pulled from questions that have been asked through public websites, but there is no identification provided about the person that asked the question. HH may edit the questions to make them less fact specific and more appropriate for a general audience. The content is provided for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an actual client or an actual client's experience. Every situation is different and your best practices may vary based on your individual circumstances. HH makes no representation as to whether any statements made were profitable or would have been profitable for any person in the past. No portion of the content is to be interpreted as a testimonial or endorsement of the Firm’s investment advisory services.

The information contained herein is based upon certain assumptions, theories and principles that do not completely or accurately reflect any one person’s situation or a whole exposition of the topic. All opinions or views reflect the views of HH as of the publication date and are subject to change without notice. HH does not provide tax or legal advice and nothing contained herein should be considered as personalized financial advice. You should contact your financial advisor, tax advisor, accountant and/or attorney before making any decisions. All information is provided solely for convenience purposes and all users thereof should be guided accordingly.